NCERT Solutions Class 8 English Poem Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket

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Students can get through this article NCERT Solutions Class 8 English Poem Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket. Complete solution of Poem class 8 lesson 1 is given in this article. class 8 English book Poem question answer is completely free. Students can prepare for the examination in a better way with the help of question answers for class 8 English chapter 1. Let us then see below the Ncert solutions for class 8 English Poem chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 English Poem Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket

The purpose of NCERT solutions for class 8 English Poem is only to give good education. NCERT Solutions Class 8 English Poem Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket prepared with the help of National Council of Educational Research and Training. The question answers of class 8th English book NCERT are designed keeping in mind the CBSE syllabus. Check out the NCERT solutions for 8th class English book lessons from below.

Class : 8
Subject : English Poem
Chapter : 1 The Ant and the Cricket

Comprehension check:-

Working with the Poem :-

Qus 1. The cricket says, “Oh! what will become of me?” When does he say it, and why ?

Ans. The cricket says this when the winter sets in. He says so because he has no shelter and food for winter season. He thinks that he will die of starvation and sorrow.

Qus 2. (i) Find in the poem the lines that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” (Shakespeare).

Ans. “ But we ants never borrow : we ants never lend.”

(ii) What is your opinion of the ant’s principles ?

Ans. I think the ants can do with this principles but it is very difficult for human beings to follow this principle in letter and spirit. We may borrow or lend but we should be fair in our dealing.

Qus 3. The ant tells the cricket to “dance the winter away”. Do you think the word ‘dance’ is appropriate here? If so, why ?

Ans. Yes , the word ‘dance’ is appropriate here. It is used as a satire on the carelessness of the cricket.

Qus.4  (i) Which lines in the poem express the poet’s comment? Read them aloud.

Ans. Folks call this a fable. I”ll warrant it true :

Some cricket have four legs, and some have two.

(ii) Write the comment in your own words.

Ans.  The poet says that this is not an imaginary story. Any one who is careless and lazy in life will suffer from hardships.

Some important dates :-

American Declaration of Independence.

Ans.  4 July 1776.

Wilbur and Orville Wright made the first flight, remaining  in the air for 12 seconds and covering 120 feet.

Ans. 17 December 1903

Hiroshima Day an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan on this day.

Ans. 6 August 1945.

Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.   

Ans. 30 January 1948

Yuri A. Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth.

Ans. 12 April 1961

Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon.

Ans. 20 July 1969

Check below all chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Poem

Unit No.Chapter Name
1The Ant and the Cricket
2Geography Lesson
3Macavity – The Mystery Cat
4The Last Bargain
5The School Boy
7When I Set Out For Lyonnesse
8On the Grasshopper and Cricket

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