NCERT Solutions Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree

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Students can get through this article NCERT Solutions Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree. Complete solution of 7th class English poems lesson 7 is given in this article. class 7 English book Poem question answer is completely free. Students can prepare for the examination in a better way with the help of question answers for class 7 English chapter 7. Let us then see below the question and answer of Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree.

NCERT Solutions Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree

The purpose of NCERT solutions for class 7 English Poem is only to give good education. NCERT Solutions Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree prepared with the help of National Council of Educational Research and Training. The question answers of class 7th English book NCERT are designed keeping in mind the CBSE syllabus. Check out the NCERT solutions poems for class 7 in English from below.

Class : 7
Subject : English Poem
Chapter : 7
 Dad and the Cat and the Tree

Working With The Poem:-

Qus.1 Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t fall ?

Ans. Dad thought that it would be very easy to climb a tree . So he was sure he wouldn’t fall.

Qus.2 Which phrase in the poem expresses Dad’s self – confidence best ?

Ans. The phrase ‘ A climber like me expresses Dad’s self – confidence best.

Qus. 3 Describe Plan A and its consequences .

Ans. In plan A Dad wanted to climb the tree with the help of a ladder to save the cat . The fact slipped and Dad fell in the flower bed.

Qus. 4  Plan C was a success. What went wrong then ?

Ans. Plan C was success because the cat had come down safe. But the wrong thing was that Dad stuck in the tree.

Qus.5 The cat was very happy to be on the ground. Pick out the phrase used to express this idea.

Ans. The phrase is ‘Pleased as Punch‘.

Qus. 6 Describe the Cat and Dad situation in the beginning and at the end of the poem.

Ans. In the beginning of the poem the cat was stuck in the tree and Dad was on the ground . In the end of the poem Dad was stuck in tree and the cat was on the ground.

Qus.7 Why and when did Dad say each of the following ?

(i) Fall ?

(ii) Never mind

(iii) Funny joke

(iv) Rubbish

Ans. (i) Fall :- Dad said this when Mum asked him not to fall. Dad wanted to prove that he was skilful climber . .

(ii) Never Mind :- Dad said this when the ladder slipped and he fell in the flower bed. He said to prove that he was not afraid to climb the tree.

(iii) Funny Joke :- He said so when Mum advised him not to fall again.

(iv) Rubbish :-  He said so in response to Mum’s remark to stop climbing tree otherwise he will break his neck.

Qus.8  Do you find the poem humorous ? Read aloud lines which make you laugh. Ans. Yes, it is a humorous poem. The following lines make us laugh.

He landed in the flower bed.

Dad landed wallop

Back on the deck

But poor old Dad’s still stuck up the tree

Check below all chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English honeycomb Poem

Unit No.Chapter Name
1The Squirrel
2The Rebel
3The Shed
6Mystery of the Talking Fan
7Dad and the Cat and the Tree
8Meadow surprises
9Garden Snake

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