NCERT Solutions Class 8 English it so happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within

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Students can get through this article NCERT Solutions Class 8 English it so happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within. Complete solution of it so happened class 8 lesson 4 is given in this article. class 8 English book it so happened question answer is completely free. Students can prepare for the examination in a better way with the help of question answers for class 8 English chapter 4. Let us then see below the ncert solutions for class 8th english it so happened chapter 4 The Treasure Within.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 English it so happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within

The purpose of ncert solution for class 8 english it so happened is only to give good education. NCERT Solutions Class 8 English it so happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within prepared with the help of National Council of Educational Research and Training. The question answers of class 8th English book NCERT are designed keeping in mind the CBSE syllabus. Check out the NCERT solutions for 8th class English book lessons from below.

Class : 8
Subject : English (it so happened)
Chapter : 4 The Treasure Within

Comprehension check:-

Qus 1. What did Hafeez contractor have nightmares about ?

Ans. Hafeez Contractor got terrible nightmares about appearing for a maths examination in which he did not know anything.

Qus 2. What did the Principal say to him, which influenced him deeply ?

Ans. When Hafeez was in the eleventh standard, his Principal called him and said,” Look here, Son, I have been seeing you since day one. You are a good student , but you never studied. I have taken care of you till today. Now I can no longer take care of you so you do it yourself.” This influenced him deeply.

Qus 3. “… that year I did not step out onto the field.” What was he busy doing that year?

Ans. He was busy studying that year. He went for prayers, and just ate and studied.

Qus.4 (i) What “distraction” did Hafeez Contractor create one day ?

Ans. One day he created a distraction. He played ‘Chor – police for one whole hours with other students.

(ii) Would you have liked to participate in the “distraction” had you been with him?

Ans. Yes, I would certainly have liked to participate in the “distraction”. It is a very funny game.

Comprehension Check:-

Qus 1. Hafeez Contractor wanted to join the police force. Why didn’t he?

Ans. Hefeez Contractor did not join the police force because his mother did not allow him. She asked him to just complete his graduation degree.

Qus 2. In the architect’s office, Hafeez Contractor was advised to drop everything and join architecture. Why ?

Ans. In the architect’s office, he was asked to draw a few specific things, which he immediately did. Then he designed a house. Seeing his hidden talent in architecture, the head of that office advised him to drop everything and join architecture.

Qus 3. (i) What was Mrs Gupta’s advice to Hafeez contractor ?

Ans. Mrs Gupta’s advice to Hafeez contractor was that he will grow up to become an architect.

(ii) What made her advise him so ?

Ans. She found that Hafeez’s sketches was very good. So she made this advised to him. 

Qus 4. How did he help fellow students who had lost a button ?

Ans. When any student lost a button, Hafeez would cut a button for him from chalk, using a blade.

Qus 5. Which rules did he break as a school boy ?

Ans. Whenever there was a test, he used to copy. He tried to get hold of the paper that had been prepared for the examination.

Qus 6 (i) What is Hafeez contractor’s definition of mathematics?

Ans. According to Hafeez contractor, mathematics is putting design construction, psychology and sociology together, and making a sketch from them.

(ii) How would you want to define mathematics ? Do you like the subject ?

Ans. Mathematics is a subject based on definite calculations and results. Its calculations cover the whole Universe. It is a very interesting subject for me. I always get highest marks in this subject.


Answer the following questions:-

Qus 1. Is it likely that someone who is original and intelligent does not do very well at school ? Should such a learner be called a failure? If not, why not ?

Ans. Yes, it is likely that an original and intelligent person may not perform very good at school. It is so because schools are a parameter of bookish knowledge but not that of practical understanding. So a student performing not very good at school should not  very good at school should not be called a failure because he can prove his capabilities in other fields of life.

Qus 2. Who, in your view, is an ‘unusual’ learner ?

Ans. An unusual learner is a different type of learns. He learns the things by doing them. He may be a failure in academics because he neglects his study. But he is a big achiever by gaining practical knowledge of doing things.

Qus 3. What can schools do to draw out the best in unusual learners ? Suggest whatever seems reasonable to you.

Ans. Schools should try to know the taste of the unusual learners. They should be provided full support and guidance to pursue their interested things. Their taste should not be curbed but should be cultivated in a healthier way.

Check below all chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English it so happened

Unit No.Chapter Name
1How The Camel Got His Hump
2Children at Work
3The Selfish Giant
4The Treasure Within
5Princess September
6The Fight
7The Open Window
9The Comet I
10The Comet II
11Ancient Education System of India

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